Flu vaccination consent required
We have been contacted by the Dorset School Age Immunisation Service regarding the flu vaccination offer to students in Year 7 to 11. This will be taking place in school between 18–21 October. The vaccinations will be carried out by the NHS.
Please complete the online consent form here by Thursday 14 October, using the unique Session Code: 5hxazc
If the form is submitted late, your child will not be able to be immunised at school and you will need to make a clinic appointment in a community venue instead. If you have a child at another school, you will receive a separate letter with a different code for that school.
If you have any problems completing the online consent form, please complete this form. For any other queries regarding your child’s vaccination, you can email the Dorset Immunisations Team.
A leaflet explaining the vaccination programme is available here and includes details about the small number of children for whom the nasal vaccine is not appropriate. If your child is unable to have the nasal flu vaccination, the Dorset Immunisations team will contact you to discuss your child having the flu injection at a community clinic instead.
Please note that this information does NOT relate to the COVID-19 vaccination programme. We will provide you with more details on this topic when it becomes available to us. The Dorset School Age Immunisation Service have confirmed that if parents do NOT provide consent, then their child will NOT be vaccinated in school.