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Year 4


Our Teacher is Mr Richardson

You can email Mr Richardson on

Teaching Assistant supporting Year 4: Mrs Rodriguez


Our Teacher is Miss Atkinson

You can email Miss Atkinson on

Teaching Assistant supporting Year 4: Mrs Rodriguez


We are extremely lucky in Year 4 to have parts of our curriculum delivered by specialist teachers. Please find below, the days of the week in which your child is accessing areas of the curriculum delivered by specialist teachers:

  4JR 4HW
PE Thursday Thursday
Music Wednesday Wednesday
Spanish Friday Friday
DT Wednesday Wednesday

In Year 4, we have swimming lessons as part of our PE Curriculum. In the spring term, we undertake a course at the Littledown Leisure Centre during our Thursday PE lessons. We walk there and back too!


In Year 4, our learning continues to be thematic. Here is an outline of our topics for the year:

AUTUMN 1 Awesome Australia

An exploration of Aboriginal myths set in ‘Dreamtime’ and a study into the wonders of Australia’s landscape and wildlife.

AUTUMN 2 The Ruthless Romans

An overview of the ancient Roman civilisation, looking further into the reign of terrifying Emperors and the role of the Roman Army. We will find out about the impact that the Romans had on British history.

SPRING 1 Water World

A science based topic which unpicks the different parts of the Water Cycle and focuses on the significance of water in our everyday lives. 

SPRING 2 Amazing Arachnids

A study of E.B White’s ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and a closer look into agricultural life. 

SUMMER 1 Robots

Based on Ted Hughes’ ‘Iron Man’, this topic allows the children to get creative as they design and make their own robots and consider more closely how things work. 

SUMMER 2 The Terrible Tudors

A history focus that delves into the Tudor period and unpicks the start of the Tudor lineage with the Battle of the Roses, leading into the horrifying reign of Henry VIII.


Daily reading continues to be of paramount importance for your child’s development. Your child has a password to access Oxford Reading Buddy. On this platform, they have been assigned to a level that they should be able to read with fluency and confidence. Please encourage your child to use Oxford Reading Buddy as often as possible to support the development of their reading and comprehension skills. In addition to completing their reading books, please prioritise reading for pleasure at home. Each week, we share our ‘Recommended Reads,’ so do encourage your child to be ready to talk about a book or author that they are enjoying.

Further home learning is set on a Friday and is due to be handed in the following Thursday please. A Literacy activity will be set in their homework books or via Purple Mash and a mathematics ‘homework’ will be allocated to them on their Mathletics account. Home learning is intended to consolidate what the children have been learning in their lessons. The children can also work on their recall and fluency by playing on Live Mathletics. We ask that they try their best to earn 1000 points on Mathletics every week please. We also provide TT Rockstar accounts for every child to help them develop speed and accuracy in their recall of times tables facts. We ask that every child in Year 4 spends 5-10 minutes a day on this platform.

If your child would like to do extra home learning, then there are lots of educational games available on both Mathletics and Purple Mash, as well as additional reading books on Oxford Reading Buddy. 


Stickers and pompoms are given out to reward individual performance and to those who are demonstrating positive behaviours for learning, following our class rules, or living out our school mission statement. In Year 4, team work is promoted and rewarded through our pompom system. The children collect pompoms for their colour group, and these are added to their table’s totaliser jar! Whenever a team reaches the next level on their totaliser, they receive a reward. Their rewards are all enrichment activities, such as cooking, computing, art and craft projects, or a construction challenge. The class decide the rewards that they want to work towards together at the beginning of the year.