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Student Induction

Welcome to St Peter’s Catholic School

Our students will learn new facts, idea and concepts, they will be able to explain why things are the way they are and to explore other people’s lives and experiences and learn from them. They will further develop their intellectual, physical and creative skills, they will be challenged to think and reason for themselves, to work hard, and they will be recognised and praised for the degree of effort they invest in their learning.

Most importantly and unlike most other schools, they will do all this within the context of a supportive and spiritual Christian community. Prayer and positive relationships are at the heart of all we do. As they learn about the world, our young people can also learn more about themselves, each other and God. Their journey will be one of self-discovery, whereby they will continue to appreciate their growing talents, qualities and attributes and be challenged to improve aspects that might require attention!

St Peter’s is a learning community for all its members – staff and students alike. We learn best when we learn together and by doing so we become a community where we love to learn and learn to love.

Enjoy the journey! May God bless us on our travels,

Ben Doyle, Headteacher

We believe you have chosen a wonderful school. You will have many opportunities to live your life to the fullest on your journey through St Peter's. There are many extracurricular activities, from sport and drama to music and careers. We have amazing facilities, such as the theatre and drama rooms, tech rooms including cookery, textiles, design and information tech. We also have a gym, a learning resource centre and a huge field, maybe you remember some of these from the open evening? If you ever need support, your tutor or year leader will always be there to help you. The student hub is a place where you can go if you ever have any concerns or worries. We all hope you have a spectacular time at St Peter's, and we are sure that you will become the best that you can be.

Luca, Liam & Samir (Year 7 Students)


We hope that your child settles quickly and happily into St Peter's, and will benefit fully from the experiences we have to offer. 

We hope you find the information below both interesting and relevant. Please read each section which has been designed to give you and your child all the information you need about life at St Peter's.


Schools and parents have a legal duty with regard to student attendance and at St Peter’s we have very high expectations of all students. On the first day of absence parents should notify the school of their child’s absence, this notification should be daily until your child returns to school. The exception to this procedure would be if your child is absent from school for an agreed period of time for medical reasons. This will require parents providing school with medical evidence. If you fail to do so, the school’s Education Social Worker will be notified.

When a doctor’s or dentist’s appointment is necessary in school time, the appointment card (or a note from parents) should be shown to the Form Tutor in advance. Students are required to sign out at the student hub before leaving the premises during school hours, for whatever reason. These procedures form part of our Attendance Policy as we are legally required to report attendance figures to the government.


St Peter’s is committed to the continuing development of practices in which students, staff and parents can actively work together to address the problem of bullying whenever and wherever it occurs. Please read our Anti-Bullying Policy.


For any general matters of concern which might arise, it is the Form Tutor who should be the first point of contact by either the student or parent. The Form Tutor has the overall interest in and responsibility for the student in school. Within the Curriculum section below each subject has outlined its assessment policy separately. There are formal points during the year, one in each of the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms, when all parents will receive details of their son/daughter’s progress in all areas of the curriculum as outlined in the Curriculum section. The school has an Assessment and Reporting Policy based on a process of continuous monitoring and evaluation. This aims to support the Mission Statement in recognising and celebrating the achievements of each individual.


In co-operation with Bournemouth Local Authority and Dorset Police, St Peter’s School, along with all other schools in the area, operates the Authorised Student Pass Scheme.

Under this scheme, students who use local shops and amenities or visit public areas during normal school lesson times, may be asked to show an Authorised Student Pass which will have been issued by their school. Students who leave school, for any reason other than illness, will be expected to carry an Authorised Pass, which is issued by the school office. This will include students who visit the Doctor, Dentist, Hospital, or for a music exam etc., whether they are accompanied by a parent or not. We would like to point out that students seen in and around Bournemouth with parents will be challenged by members of the Police and Education Welfare Office. This can and has, caused embarrassment for some parents who have allowed their children to stay off school for no good reason.

Where a student has an appointment before coming to school, a pass should be collected on the previous day. All passes must be returned to the student hub when a student returns.


Below is a copy of our Guidelines which all students are expected to keep to. It is important that you are aware of our expectations.

You must remember always to be kind, well-behaved and polite to staff and other students so that we can all work in a happy and cheerful school. That is one important reason why you have to follow the school guidelines below:

  • Arrive in time for the beginning of morning school and for the start of every lesson. If you are absent from school for any reason, you must return with a note from your parent or guardian explaining the reasons for your absence.
  • You must wear the school uniform at all times in school and while going to and from school. If you are not sure about what you can wear, ask your form tutor. There are no excuses for wearing the wrong uniform as requirements are clearly set out in the school planner.
  • Make sure that your uniform and PE kit are clearly labelled with your name, so that they can easily be identified if you lose them.
  • You must look after your own property. Valuables, such as smartwatches, tablets, air pods, laser pens and electronic games must not be brought into school. If you have to bring in a large sum of money, it should be handed to the student hub for safe keeping. If mobile phones are brought into school, they must be switched off and put away at all times.Phones will be confiscated if seen during the school day.
  • You must look after your planner, library, exercise and text books. Remember that you will have to pay for any that you lose, damage, or fail to return.
  • You must remember to bring to each lesson all the things you need for that lesson: pens, pencils, books, geometrical instruments, equipment for practical work, PE kit, etc., as well as your planner and a reading book.
  • The appearance of the school is the concern of all of us, and you are expected to help to keep it tidy. Put litter into the nearest bin. Note that chewing gum is strictly forbidden. Remember that you will have to pay for any breakages or damage for which you are responsible.
  • Walk around the school quietly, not forgetting to show courtesy and consideration to other people. Keep to the left in corridors and on stairways. You should wait for the previous class to leave a room before entering, sitting down and preparing your books and equipment for the lesson. For science and technology lessons, you must wait outside the room until you are invited in by a member of staff.
  • Make sure that you know where you are allowed to go, both inside school and on the playground and playing fields, and do not stray out of bounds.     
  • Make sure that you know and follow the lunchtime arrangements, including the use of buildings in wet weather.
  • Make sure that you know and follow the emergency evacuation procedure. You will find instructions on the notice boards of all the rooms that you use.
  • You are expected to maintain high standards of behaviour when going to and from school. You must keep this very important rule in the interests of yourself, your family, your companions and your school.
  • If you need to know more about these guidelines for good behaviour, ask your Form Tutor.

For more information please see our Behaviour Policy.


At St Peter’s we believe that we are preparing children for life, rather than just to pass exams. We therefore offer a comprehensive careers education, information and guidance programme. This includes themed days, visiting speakers, a fully-stocked careers library, access to online support, one-to-one interviews and one of the largest Careers Fairs in the region. You will receive regular e-mails from our Careers Leader as to all the opportunities available and how you can support your child with the important choices they will be making in the years ahead.


St Peter's catering company operates a cashless catering system which incorporates a technology which eliminates the need for students to carry cash, reducing the risk of loss. 
In-line with many of other schools; Students use biometric data to access their account, there is no card for them to carry. Biometrics are made up of code and cannot be recreated into a useable fingerprint image. The biometrics system falls under the General Data Protection regulations (GDPR) and as such, neither the school nor catering company can allow access to this data by anyone other than for the means that this data was collected. Any biometric data belongs to that individual, and when they leave the school, this data is removed from our records.
Money is loaded onto a student's account by using the external system ParentPay (see the ParentPay tab below), an online portal. Any amount spent on food or drink will be deducted from the lunch account on a daily basis and this can be viewed by Parents/Carers in the ParentPay application. The maximum daily spend at the Southbourne Site is £7 per day.
Biometric data is operated on an 'opt In' policy. You will be emailed a Biometric form, to set up your child on the system. You will need to complete the form before their first day of school.
Should the student not be authorised for Biometric data to be held, then a PIN code can be issued by the Finance Team. This 4-digit code does not have the same level of security, and we suggest the student remembers the code and does not write it down.
Password resets can be actioned by logging into and clicking 'forgotten password'. This action will allow Parentpay to send a password reset link to the registered email address.

We have a Health and Hygiene rating of 5. Alternatively, students may bring a packed lunch to eat at tables in the hall.

Breakfast Club from 8.15am

Serving fruit juices, bacon rolls, croissants and warm bread rolls.

Morning Break

Serving a variety of snacks and drinks for purchase, from pizza slices, bacon rolls, filled paninis and baguettes, fresh fruit, pasta, as well as a variety of cold snacks and sandwiches.

Lunch Service

Each day serving one hot meal plus a vegetarian option. We also offer jacket potatoes which can be served with beans, tuna or cheese. Also, available are a wide range of salads, sandwiches, rolls and baguettes, pasta pots and fresh fruit.

The menu changes each term. 

Special dietary needs

If your child has a special dietary need please obtain a request form by emailing the school.


The student hub should be informed immediately in writing, of any change of address, telephone numbers or emergency contacts and, of course, medical conditions.


Your Chaplains are available to all students, staff and parents at all times, particularly during periods of difficulty. The Chaplains can be contacted personally and via student hub.

The Prayer Life of Our School A wide range of prayer experience is offered to all through tutor time morning reflection, assemblies, prayer groups, class Masses, Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, class reflection time and meditation, year Masses and liturgies, pilgrimages and retreats. Prayer groups take place at lunchtimes where we explore different forms of prayer from guided meditation to praying through arts and crafts.

Masses Each year group celebrates Mass at the beginning of the new school year. Attendance is compulsory for Years 7-11. Year 12 and 13 have a liturgy for the start of the new school year. Each teaching group in Years 7-11 celebrates a class Mass as part of their retreat day and also on the feast of Ss Peter and Paul. A weekly Mass for staff, students and parents is celebrated every Friday in the Chapel at 8:00am, all are welcome.

Youth Alpha Each year we run lunchtime Youth Alpha sessions encouraging our young people to explore their faith. This is run in collaboration with youth workers from local Christian churches.

Liturgies Liturgies for all year groups take place at the end of each school term. Students are encouraged to take an active role in these liturgies. During Lent, each student in every year group has the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Retreats Year 7 students have a day pilgrimage to our Cathedral in Portsmouth. Year 8 students go to the chapel for a retreat day based on the theme of ‘Vocation’. Students from Year 9 take part in a twenty-four hour retreat at ‘St Cassian’s’ which is a De La Salle centre in Kintbury near Newbury, run by young people. Students in Years 10-13 have an opportunity for a retreat day exploring different aspects of faith and spirituality. Retreats are an opportunity for students to share their life experiences and have time for quiet reflection and prayer.

Charities The Chaplaincy team is concerned with raising awareness of world and social issues especially where there is injustice and exploitation.

Prayer Shots A weekly email from the school to parents and carers is available, enabling them to pray together for the needs of the school, the children, their families, and the staff.

Rainbows Each year we offer the Rainbows Programme to all students. Rainbows is a registered charity and an international non-profit making organisation. The fourteen week programme takes place after school for those who are grieving a loss through a death, divorce, or any other painful transition in their families. The programme leads young people through the grieving process to a stage of understanding and a re-building of their self-esteem. It is run by the chaplaincy team, members of staff, governors, retired staff and parents.


Chewing gum is forbidden in any area of the School building or grounds as it has caused many problems when it becomes stuck on clothes, furniture, flooring and equipment. If students are found chewing gum or with it in their possession then a sanction is imposed.


So that we can develop our Christian Community and work successfully together, let us always:

  • Be willing to join in and share our talents
  • Value and respect each member of our community
  • Consider and be tolerant of the opinions of others
  • Be responsible for ourselves and for our actions
  • Take pride in ourselves, our appearance and our school.


All students in Year 7 have 50 lessons per fortnight, across a 2 week timetable (25 lessons each week).

Religious Studies & PSHE   5
Creative & Expressive Arts Art 2
  Drama 2
  Music 2
Design & Technology   3
English   7
Humanities Geography 3
  History 3
Computer Science   2
Mathematics   6
Modern Languages French/Spanish 5
Physical Education   4
Science   6

Your son/daughter will complete Key Stage 3 in their first two years at St Peter’s in Years 7 and 8. In Year 9, they will start the Key Stage 4 curriculum, for core subjects (RE, English, Mathematics, Science) and a foundation year for all other subjects so enabling options to be chosen to study in Year 10 and 11.

With reference to Religious, Social, Personal Education (RPSE), Religious Education is inseparable from personal and social development. The religious input and some moral and social questions are discussed in these lessons. Other questions under the RPSE heading, however, are also covered in all other subject areas as well as in tutor time since they form a necessary part of pastoral guidance.

The celebration of Mass is central to the school’s existence. Mass or Liturgy for all students occurs on feast days and at the end of each term. In addition, each RPSE class will celebrate Mass during the year. Our team of parish priests is actively involved with the students in the preparation of each class Mass. The school values the support that our Parish Priests give to our School/Parish/Home partnership.

In RE, Geography, History, Science and Technology some work may take place outside the school grounds. Parents will be requested to make voluntary contributions (which are kept to a minimum) towards such excursions or enrichment activities.

The Year Ahead

There are various formal times during the year when we are able to give you information about your son/daughter’s progress. You will be sent specific details of these at the appropriate time.


The first opportunity to receive some formal feedback about your son/daughter will be at the Tutor Evening in October, where Year 7 parents are invited to meet their child’s tutor. Closer to the time you will be able to book an appointment with his/her tutor. The tutor together with the pastoral team, is responsible for your child’s welfare in school and should be your first point of contact on most occasions.

Late Autumn Term

You will be sent a progress update for all subjects your child is studying. Academic Tracking Point 1 (ATP1) will indicate how well your child is working and achieving in each subject.

Spring Term

In the Spring Term parents will also have an opportunity to meet and discuss progress with all subject teachers. We have an expectation that parents should attend this very important evening. In addition to this, you will be sent another progress update.

Summer Term

You will receive your child’s annual report. In essence this is a more detailed version of the tracking points.

Whilst these are the formal points of contact between school and home, should you have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s education please contact us as soon as possible. We recommend that you contact your son/daughter’s form tutor in the first instance.

Removal of National Curriculum Levels

Just as in primary schools, secondary schools have also had National Curriculum Levels removed from their programmes of study. One of the major concerns the Department for Education identified with the use of levels was that they did not inform students or parents what they needed to do to improve, they were simply a number. At St Peter’s, we consider the “big ideas” which make up a subject, and then identify the key skills and knowledge that students require to become secure in that area. Parents and their children will be made aware of these to enable our young people to understand what is expected of them within each curriculum area.

The Pastoral Curriculum

Tutor groups meet daily with their tutor. During this time a wide range of activities are covered including a daily opportunity for the Tutor Group to have a short period of prayer and reflection. Tutors will check students’ planners one morning of the week and there will be opportunities to improve Literacy by students reading a book of their own choice. There is an assembly each week, led by the Year Leader and their team, which includes involvement of students, staff and, on occasions, outside speakers. The assembly is a time for spiritual reflection, an important opportunity to reward achievement of students and to keep them informed of events at St Peter’s.

Each of the eight tutor groups are named after a saint and once each term, students meet in Vertical Tutor Groups (colleges). Here they mix with students from the same College from all years, thus building the sense of community across the whole school.

There is a comprehensive tutor programme that tutors deliver during tutor time. Sessions are spent exploring attributes of the Positive Behaviour for Learning focus for the term, philosophical thinking, study skills, careers and spiritual development.


It is the responsibility of all members of the school community to take care when processing/handling, using or transferring personal data; that it cannot be accessed by anyone who does not have permission to access that data. For more information please see our Data Handling Policy.


One of the greatest difficulties experienced on transfer to a secondary school is adapting to a number of different teachers and moving to different rooms. Care of personal property must, therefore, be stressed.

Apart from being school policy, it is essential that: ALL items of clothing and other expensive equipment are clearly and permanently marked with the owner’s name. PE kit should be similarly marked. It is strongly hoped that all students will have access to a Bible, a reasonable dictionary and an atlas. Books are on loan and if damaged or lost must be replaced. A bag for PE kit is needed, separate to the students normal school bag, for hygiene reasons.

You will need pencils, rubber, ruler, pencil sharpener and, for Mathematics, an electronic calculator, protractor and a pair of compasses. Additional items required include a glue stick, a highlighter pen and a set of coloured pencils and/or felt pens.

A small number of lockers are available to rent across the school and further details on how to apply for this service will be provided at the start of the school year. It must be stressed that the school cannot accept responsibility for personal property of any kind, and such items are brought to school at the owner’s risk.


Are you aware YOU may be eligible for Free School Meals?

When children eat better, they do better. Free school meals are lunches provided to students in state-maintained schools.

You qualify if you are in receipt of one of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Job Seeker’s Allowance
  • An income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Support Under Part VI of the Immigration & Asylum 1999
  • The Guaranteed Element of Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit (provided you are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
  • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit – if you apply on or after 1 April 2018, your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

You do not qualify if:

  • you receive Working Tax Credit (excluding the 4 week run-on)
  • your annual Household Income is over £16,190 (before tax and any other deductions)
  • Students who receive free school meals may be entitled to additional support.

How do I apply?

You can apply for Free School Meals or request further information by contacting: Children’s Information Service, Town Hall, Bournemouth, BH2 6DY or by applying online at How to apply for free school meals ( or Tel. 01202 123222

If your child is in Year 6 currently receiving free school meals and your circumstances remain the same, then you do not need to re-apply.

If your child is eligible for free school meals he/she will access meals the same way as other students, via the cashless system. The daily allowance provided to those eligible is £2.50, parents may top this up using the ParentPay system if required.

Who should fill the application form in?

The students Parent/Carer will need to complete the application form or apply via the online link: How to apply for free school meals ( the Children’s Information Service.

Do I need to provide evidence of the qualifying benefit?

No, not in the first instance. The Local Authority will use the information you provide on your form to make an on-line benefit check. You may be required to provide evidence if a check cannot be performed.

What happens to the free meals when my benefit ceases?

Free meals must stop immediately your benefit ceases, and you must notify the Local Authority as soon as possible.

Free school meals during Universal Credit roll-out

Since 1 April 2018, all existing free school meals claimants have continued to receive free school meals whilst Universal Credit is rolled out. This applies even if their earnings rise above the threshold during that time.

In addition, any pupil gaining eligibility for free school meals after 1 April 2018 will be protected against losing free school meals until March 2025. That means that between now and 31 March 2025, you do not need to contact us to cancel free school meals, even if you feel your child is no longer eligible.

After March 2025, any existing claimants that no longer meet the eligibility criteria at that point (because they are earning above the threshold or are no longer a recipient of Universal Credit) will continue to receive free school meals until the end of their current phase of education (ie primary or secondary).

What happens if free school meals continue to be taken once my benefit ceases?

If your qualifying benefit(s) stop, you must inform the Local Authority immediately. You may be required to repay the cost of any meals received from the date the benefit ceased.


St Peter’s sees home learning as an extension of learning beyond the classroom and it is vital that parents and students see it as an important element in the development of understanding and competence. Home learning also provides an opportunity for students to develop important skills of self-organisation and time-management. The ability to fit work and learning around other time demands and to meet deadlines, are essential skills throughout life. Parents and guardians are asked to help their child to organise an effective programme of home learning, which enables study demands to be met within family life and priorities. In Years 7 and 8 students should expect a minimum of 30 minutes per subject per week. In practice, more time may be needed depending on the level of study, and the progress being made through programmes of study in school. Sanctions may be imposed for a lack of effort. Home learning information will be available electronically via our school information system to assist students and their families to plan a regular routine.

Parents are asked to monitor learning at home so that work submitted is of a high quality and to ensure that there is a suitable space in the home for their child to work. This ought to be free from distractions such as electronic devices and televisions, unless these are needed as part of the learning. If a student is absent from school for any reason then the online information will enable him or her to catch up with any work missed.


We have a well-equipped Library/Learning Resource Centre (LRC). The shelves are well stocked with both fiction and non-fiction material which has been specially selected for this age group.

There are also 14 networked computers and internet access is available to all students, with an additional 16 laptops. This complements the reference/non-fiction sections of the Library and is particularly useful for research, projects and home learning.

The ‘Oliver’ Library Management System used ensures efficient circulation and return of books and provides information on the book stock held in the centre. The LRC Manager is available to photocopy, on request, any materials required for home learning or projects and to assist students using computers.

The LRC is open for students from 8.30am and its facilities are available throughout the school day. Students have the opportunity to be trained as Junior Librarians, and they assist in the smooth running of the LRC at morning break and during lunchtimes. After school Monday to Thursday the LRC is open until 4.20pm for any homework or research.


Should you require any prescribed medication to be made available for your child to take during the school day it may be left in the student hub for the student to take at the appropriate time. Medication must be in original packaging with the dosage and instructions clearly visible.


As a school, we take the mental health and well-being of our students very seriously.  Topics about well-being, positive relationships, good communication and self-esteem are addressed through the PSHE & RE programmes as well as during activities with their tutors.  We have a strong pastoral system and endeavour to support students through tutors, pastoral team, chaplaincy and outside agencies wherever necessary.  If you are at all concerned about the mental health or well-being of your child, please contact your child’s year leader or email us where the teachers who co-ordinate support regarding mental health and well-being will identify the most appropriate support and action for your child.

In addition to the support outlined above, our #SPEAK UP initiative allows students to reach out if they have a concern about themselves or a friend. Further details can be found in their planner.


The School does not permit mobile phones to be brought into School by students in Years 7-11. Smartwatches, tablets, air pods, laser pens, electronic games and the like are also not permitted to be brought into school. All students have access to a telephone in the student hub in case of an emergency or if any arrangements need to be changed regarding cancellation of after school activities. There is, therefore, no need for students to have mobile phones with them. For more information please see our Mobile Phone Policy on the school website.


ParentPay is an online payment system for schools. It allows parents to pay quickly and securely for school meals, trips, activities, clubs, music lessons etc. You simply top-up your ParentPay account online.

The canteen system operates on a biometric basis, so there is no need for students to even carry a card as the system will recognise the thumbprint of your child. Biometrics are made up of code and cannot be recreated into a useable fingerprint image. The system falls under the data protection act. Any biometric data that belongs to an individual that leaves the school is removed from the records.

Any amount of money can be paid into the student’s account, with any money spent on food and drink being deducted on a daily basis. A daily spend limit of £7 will be programmed into the system.

Biometric data is operated on an 'opt In' policy. You will be emailed a Biometric form, to set up your child on the system. You will need to complete the form before their first day of school.

If you choose not to have your child registered on the Biometric System a 4 digit PIN Code will be allocated. Please note that PIN Codes do not have the same level of security and it will be your child’s responsibility to remember the code and keep it secure at all times.

We require the consent of at least one parent/carer in order that the biometric information of your child can be processed. Please be assured that this information remains within the school and that the biometric information taken is an algorithm and not the actual fingerprint.

At their transfer day in June, students will receive a letter giving you a login and password to allow you to access the ParentPay system, together with more information.


PE is vital for the growth and development of your child. If students are unable to participate for medical reasons parents are asked to write a note for your child’s PE teacher. They will still be expected to bring their PE kit and get changed. They will be expected to join the lesson in another capacity other than as a performer eg referee.

PE KIT                                    

*Clothing available through our uniform suppliers


  • Skort */Plain navy blue leggings
  • T-shirt *
  • Hoodie *
  • Football socks *
  • White socks
  • Shin pads
  • Trainers
  • Studded football boots


  • Shorts *
  • T-shirt *
  • Rugby shirt *
  • Football socks *
  • White socks
  • Shin pads
  • Trainers
  • Studded football boots
  • Gum shield (Strongly recommended)


All of the school policies for parents are available to view and download here. Alternatively a printed copy of any specific policy can be obtained from the main reception at Southbourne upon request.


The PTA is run by a team of volunteers. They work hard putting on fundraising events throughout the year to help enrich the children’s time at St Peter's. The PTA have helped to finance the competition membership to the Bar Mock Trial, purchase extra equipment for departments, make playground improvements, fund retreats and many other exciting projects which add value to the curriculum.

You may have a lot of free time or just a few hours here and there. It may be that you can volunteer regularly or once a year to help with an event for example. Whatever your situation, we would welcome your contribution, however big or small.

If you would like to make a difference to your child’s education and enjoy the feel-good factor of helping a great cause, please complete the online PTA form or email


Pupil Premium is an allocation of money that is given to schools to specifically assist children either eligible for free school meals (FSM) or have been within the last six years, or have been identified as a Looked after Child (LAC), adopted or are Service children.

Schools are free to spend money as we believe is most appropriate to assist the groups of students identified. Currently, students in receipt of Pupil Premium can benefit from a range of support e.g. music tuition, school uniform grants, financial support for all educational trips and visits. For more information please see the Free School Meals tab or contact the school.


We have six main areas in which we want to recognise achievement: Collaborative, Ambitious, Prepared, Persistent, Imaginative and Inquisitive.

Students will gain positive points for showing their abilities in these areas. At the end of each term the top students and tutor group in each year will receive rewards.


Whilst it is hoped that students will respond to the many forms of encouragement which are given at St Peter’s, there will inevitably be occasions when there will be a need to apply sanctions. For example, failure to complete the required work or for unacceptable behaviour. In such circumstances your support is sought in order to present clear guidelines to students and to minimise the chance of recurrence. The school, however, does have a right to impose sanctions ranging from breaktime, lunchtime detentions, after school detention and Headteacher’s Friday evening detention. For more information please refer to the Behaviour Policy.


The school office is open between 8.00am–4.00pm. Please note that 8.30am–9.30am can be extremely busy. If a telephone call to the school is needed it would be helpful if parents could avoid these times. The school email is:


Our music department is pleased to provide singing and instrumental music tuition. You will receive an email with further information and an application form.

We look forward to receiving applications from those who wish to take up a musical instrument for the first time, as well as pupils wishing to continue.

St Peter’s is keen to support students who qualify for Pupil Premium. Applications are welcomed for both funded lessons and instrumental hire, if required.

Teacher days and times are negotiated in advance of the term. There are no refunds for student absence. If any lessons are missed, due to staff absence, they will be made up within the same academic year or a refund given.


St Peter’s is a non-smoking institution and smoking within the school grounds, the journey to and from school and when representing the school in extra-curricular activities is prohibited.


Students will be allocated to teaching groups of thirty students. St Peter’s has a flexible approach to how students are grouped. Some subjects set by ability whereas others take a more mixed approach.


St Peter’s School is owned by the students. Use of all its facilities is encouraged at appropriate times, but it is hoped that students will share in the responsibility for its tidiness. Students are permitted access to certain parts of the building during the lunch break. Any misuse of this responsibility by a student will mean referral to parents. The School also expects students to help with taking care of the surrounding roads and neighbourhood as far as tidiness is concerned.


TUTOR 8.50
LESSON 1 9.10
LESSON 2 10.10
BREAK 11.10
LESSON 3 11.30
LESSON 4 12.30
LUNCH 1.30
LESSON 5 2.15



We encourage students to cycle to school providing they are a competent cyclist and that the cycle is in roadworthy condition. We strongly advise students to wear a cycle helmet for obvious safety reasons, to and from school. Cycle storage is provided; please ensure that the bike is secured, preferably with a D-lock, when left unattended.


Some students are brought and collected by car. There are no parking facilities on site for parents to drop off or collect children and parents are particularly requested to arrange to meet students after school in the roads surrounding the school site, such as Foxholes Road. It causes a serious safety hazard for students if cars stop near the school gates. It also causes considerable congestion with double decker buses dropping off and collecting students. Cars will be able to leave more quickly from the side roads. As we value our good relationship with local residents it would be appreciated if parents, who pick students up after school, are considerate and do not park across driveways or too close to road junctions.


The school serves a very large catchment area and relies on the network of buses to get students to school. The co-operation of the Bus Companies and the Local Authorities is essential. Therefore, good behaviour on the buses is absolutely vital. For further conditions under which students may travel on buses to St Peter’s see Travel Guidelines. Parents of students who use buses are requested to discuss these conditions very firmly with their children.

For up-to-date timetables please see our Transport page.

Bus Passes

Bus passes, should you be entitled to one, will be sent directly to the home address of students applying for them. We draw your attention to the conditions of issue which is distributed directly from the LA for students who have been issued with travel passes.

Dorset Local Authority

(all areas of Dorset except Bournemouth & Poole)

Dorset County Council, Education Transport Section, County Hall, Colliton Park, Dorchester DT1 1XJ

Tel. 01305 224332 or 01305 224545

Bournemouth Local Authority

Town Hall, Bourne Avenue, Bournemouth BH2 6DY

Tel. 01202 456200

Poole Local Authority

School Transport Team, St John’s House, Borough of Poole, Serpentine Road, Poole BH15 2DX

Tel. 01202 339208


As a member of our community every student must appreciate that whilst travelling to and from school the very highest standards of behaviour, courtesy and appearance are expected. In practical terms this means wearing your full school uniform at all times and observing all school rules, particularly those relating to the code of conduct and uniform.

Consequently, you must take full responsibility for your actions in the knowledge that at all times you are representing your school, family and yourselves in the local community. Older students have a further responsibility for assisting younger students to take full responsibility and helping them where the need arises. Action will be taken against any student who causes a problem. This will be recorded in your school file. In extreme cases this may lead to exclusions.

Whichever method of transport (walking, cycling, driving, car or bus) is used to get to school it is your responsibility to get to school on time. Therefore, you must make sure you leave home in sufficient time to make your journey to school. Lateness to school interferes with learning and will not be tolerated, it will be noted on your school attendance record and result in school detentions and parental involvement. If this becomes frequent we will contact parents so that we can find a solution together.

SCHOOL TRANSPORT (Public Service and Contract Buses)

The following rules will help ensure a safe journey to school and must be taken seriously:

  • Form an orderly queue whilst waiting for the bus
  • Behave appropriately near the road while waiting for the bus
  • Have your bus pass or money ready for the driver
  • Board the bus in single file, without pushing
  • Beware of coats and bags catching in doors. Try not to leave your property on the bus
  • Have respect for the driver, they are trying to get you to school safely and on time
  • When on the bus, remain in your seat at all times, especially when the bus is moving
  • Do not play silly games, or make excessive noise on the bus, as this is dangerous and could cause the driver to have an accident
  • Help keep the bus clean by not dropping litter, or misusing food and drink
  • Never cross in front of, nor close behind a bus. Check you can see clearly both ways
  • On no account attempt to distract the driver. He/she needs to concentrate
  • Wait until the bus stops before getting on or off the bus
  • Never push or jostle others on or near a moving bus
  • Students who misuse their bus pass run the risk of having them confiscated and parents will have to pay the full cost of transporting students to and from school.

You are reminded that it is illegal to smoke in a public, enclosed space and if you smoke, which includes vaping, on any bus you put your place on that bus at risk (as well as the health of others) and may ultimately be refused access or excluded from using that bus and the Police may become involved.

Bad behaviour on school buses will not be tolerated as it endangers all students using the vehicle. The school will investigate reported cases of bad or dangerous behaviour and act accordingly. In extreme cases, a temporary or permanent ban from using the bus may result, which will mean that your parents will have to make alternative arrangements to get you to school.

In addition, the Bus Company has the right to refuse to allow you to use the bus in the event of bad behaviour, and the Local Authority and the bus company has the power to exclude you from the bus and withdraw your bus pass.


For pastoral purposes, students will be placed in tutor groups and will be in the care of a Form Tutor who will be responsible for the general well-being of each student in the group. The Form Tutor is the first person you should contact if you have any questions or difficulties.

Miss S Johnson, Senior Leader, and the Year Leaders will work closely with the Form Tutors to ensure that the needs of each student are catered for.


Uniform is regarded as an integral part of the ethos at St Peter’s, helping to foster feelings of school identity and pride. We expect parents to co-operate in maintaining high standards of presentation.

If you are in receipt of Free School Meals/Pupil Premium you will be entitled to a uniform grant..

In cases of any dispute, the Headteacher’s decision is final. All items of uniform and equipment should be clearly named.

*Clothing available through our uniform suppliers.



Blue/White striped, long/short sleeves. Students must not wear a T-shirt/vest underneath which can be seen.


White. Must be tucked inside the skirt/trousers and must always be worn with the school tie.


School tie available from the official school uniform suppliers.


Mid-grey tailored. Fully pleated skirt (no flat panels) – length no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. Girls trousers have to be the style from the official school uniform suppliers. Long mid-grey tailored shorts.


Compulsory. (A pullover cannot replace a blazer at any time.) Navy blue with school badge.


Optional. Only the official Navy V- necked pullover with a school badge. All other types of tops including sweatshirts, tracksuits, hooded tops or crew-neck jumpers are not permitted.


Should be of one plain colour either white, black or blue or navy or black tights only, not patterned tights. Socks or tights must be worn at all times.


Black in a style suitable for school. Trainers, boots or plimsolls must not be worn in or to and from school. Fashion shoes are not suitable and are considered to be a health and safety risk. If in any doubt parents should contact school for advice before making a purchase. There must be no patterns/colours or logos on these shoes.


Not to be worn inside (excluding those worn for Religious reasons).


Outer coats or outer fleece jackets when worn must be practical and worn outside the blazer.


Must be in a conventional style and natural colour. If in any doubt parents must consult the school for advice. Extreme styles and colour are not acceptable. In cases of dispute the Headteacher’s decision will be final.


No jewellery on the body or face is allowed except for one plain stud in each ear lobe. No make-up of any kind is to be worn, including nail varnish or acrylic nails. Nails are also not to be excessively long.


CJI clothing

886 Wimborne Road Moordown Bournemouth BH9 2DR Tel. 01202 513387



148-150 Seabourne Road, Southbourne BH5 2JA Tel. 01202 425192



24 Montague Road, Southbourne BH5 2EP

Tel. 01202 434233 Mobile 07971 309826


Please note QDOS do not stock St Peter’s trousers

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