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Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse

Child-on-child sexual abuse is a form of Harmful Sexual Behaviour that takes place between children of any age or stage of development.

Escape the Trap Programme (ETP)

ETP is specifically designed to help all young people, however they identify, to recognise abusive behaviours and identify the impact of such behaviours on their mental health and emotional wellbeing.

The programme supports them to consider their expectations of relationships and what kind of partner they would like, as well as the kind of partner they would like to be. We identify positive and toxic relationship and look at how to maintain positive engagements in a really teen-friendly practical way.

Escape the Trap (Teenage Relationship Abuse Programme, TRAP) has been developed in acknowledgement of the rising numbers of young people identified as being vulnerable to intimate relationship abuse.

Part of the learning about coercive and controlling behaviours and sexual coercion and abuse throughout the programme, will be achieved by exploring gender inequalities and how such inequality impacts and shapes our beliefs, behaviours, and barriers to seeking help.

Escape the TRAP: Teen Dating Abuse | Coercive Control

Escape the TRAP: Teenage Relationship Abuse Programme

If you think this programme would be of benefit, please email our Educational Social Worker