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If you have any questions relating to the examinations at St Peter’s School do not hesitate to contact our Examinations Officer on 01202 437216 or email

Please make yourselves aware of the following information and documents. You will find key information needed by students in their upcoming exams. Students should read these document carefully and contact the Examinations Officer if you have any questions.

Also, below are documents for the attention of candidates from the Joint Council for Qualifications, which oversees all the exam boards.These documents contain the rules and regulations around examinations, controlled assessments and coursework that all students should be aware of.

Rules for Candidates

  • You must be on time for all your examinations.
  • You must not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practice in any part of the examination.
  • You must not sit an examination in the name of another candidate;
  • You must not have in your possession any unauthorised material or equipment which might give you an unfair advantage.
  • Possession of a mobile phone or other unauthorised material is not allowed — even if you do not intend to use it. You will be subject to penalty and possible disqualification from the exam/qualification.
  • You must not talk to, attempt to communicate with or disturb other candidates once you have entered the examination room.
  • You must follow the instructions of the invigilator.
  • If you are in any doubt, or confused about anything, only speak to an invigilator.


Coping with Anxiety & Stress during Exam Season

We can all experience feelings of anxiety at any time in our lives, for many different reasons. Anxiety is a normal emotion; but sometimes we need a bit of support to prevent it from becoming a mental health problem.

Pressure during exam season can have a big impact on children and young people and lead to feelings of stress and anxiety. These mixed emotions can become challenging for their mental health, but there are resources and help available.

To support children and young people who are approaching exams, See RU OK? Mental health support for young people in Dorset's blog with signposting to all the fantastic resources and advice available.

No child or young person should feel alone, there is always someone they can talk to.

  • Call Connection – Dorset’s NHS mental health helpline - 0800 652 0190
  • Call Samaritans – on-hand to help, however big or small the problem - 116 123 
  • Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 for confidential support via text message
  • Chat online – visit for an online wellbeing forum for 11-18 year olds

Replacement Certificates

Exam boards will not provide copies of certificates which have been lost, or which were never claimed. However, applications can be made for a Certified Statement of results, which can be used in the same way as a certificate. All exam boards charge a fee for this service.

You will need to make a separate application to each exam board via their websites (see below), however, if your qualifications were pre-2000, the exam boards that awarded your qualification may no longer exist as a separate bodies, but were amalgamated into the exam boards below. If this is the case, then guidance on which exam board you should apply to can be found on the GOV.UK website.

AQA Edexcel

If your old exam board no longer exists