Carnegie Shadowing Scheme
The Carnegies are the UK’s longest running and best-loved children’s book awards, recognising outstanding reading experiences created through writing and illustration in books for children and young people.
The medal for Writing is awarded by children’s librarians for an outstanding book written in English for children and young people.
The Shadowing Scheme, which St Peter’s has taken part in for over twenty years, engages thousands of children and young people in reading the books on the shortlist via reading groups in schools and public libraries.
Over the past three months our St Peter’s shadowing group, made up of ten students from Year 7-11 and library staff, have been reading, reviewing and enjoying each of the seven books short-listed. Each reader has voted for their favourite and the book with the most votes from our group was... I Must Betray You by Ruth Sepetys. This was put forward to Carnegie, and we then had to wait to see if the book matched the winning book announced on the 21 June.
On the day the judges voted for The Blue Book of Nebo by Manon Steffan Ros which was the group’s second favourite!
Thank you to all the students who took part this year, they each received a certificate and small prize.
All the books are available and on display in the library for a recommended summer read.
The Library