Key Information
The School works tirelessly to provide a safe, supportive and spiritual environment. St Peter’s is open to students from all Christian denominations, from all religions and those of no faith, within the confines of our admission policy.
The primary purpose of St Peter’s is to give a Christian education to all its students by...
- Seeking to develop and strengthen Christian faith and practice in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
- Developing a passion for learning and a spirit of enquiry and discovery in each student.
- Being ambitious to achieve the best for each student academically, socially and spiritually.
- Providing opportunities for each student to develop selfârespect and self-confidence, creativity and responsibility, initiative and leadership.
- Inspiring a spirit of service to the family, the Church, the community and the World at large.
- Working in close partnership with the Parents/Carers, who are the first educators of the child.
As they learn about the world, our young people can also learn more about themselves, each other and God. Their journey will be one of self-discovery, whereby they will continue to appreciate their growing talents, qualities and attributes and be challenged to improve aspects that might require attention.
St Peter’s is a learning community for all its members — staff and students alike. We learn best when we learn together and by doing so we become a community where we love to learn and learn to love.
Enjoy the journey! May God bless us on our travels.