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Having opened the doors to our very first reception classes in September 2014, we have continued to grow each year. In September 2020 we became a complete all-through school, with 420 children from Reception to Year 6 based at our Iford site.

The Primary Phase is a safe, caring, academically ambitious environment where children flourish, developing their skills and God-given talents. Every child is recognised as a child of God — what makes them unique is known by staff and celebrated. Because our children feel understood, valued and loved at school, they can thrive and become the very best that they can be.

At St Peter’s, our children love to learn and learn to love. Our thematic curriculum is centred on engaging topics which appeal to the children’s interests and excite them about their learning. Learning has a meaningful purpose which motivates children to produce their very best outcome consistently. Children are helped to advance their creativity and reasoning skills through opportunities to collaborate, innovate, problem-solve and discover together.

Inspired by the Gospel, as well as the examples of St John Baptist de La Salle and Brother Lionel, our children are preparing not only to contribute to society, but to transform it – through their love for others and spirit of service. Every day, we aim to live by our mission statement:

With Christ as our Guide,

Learning together,

Loving God and each other,

Becoming the best we can be.

We are a school that works closely with families and parishes because we recognise that educating young people is a joint enterprise between the school, home and church community — it requires genuine partnership. Our staff work tirelessly to ensure the very best for our children. 

It is a genuine privilege to serve our children and their families and to lead such a highly dedicated team.

Please join us for our Primary Open Evening on Thursday 10th October 2024 from 6pm to 7.30pm. The Welcome Talk is at 6.15pm, and you can also enjoy a tour of the school, meet members of our dedicated team and view our outstanding facilities. We look forward to seeing you. 

Alison Malone, Acting Head of the Primary Phase

A Welcome from our  School Council

Thank you for visiting our website. We hope it tells you everything that you need to know about St Peter’s Primary Phase. We are very proud of our school and we have thought carefully about what makes it special. Here are just a few things you might like to know about us…

  • We love each other like a family. We are always kind to each other, support and trust one another.

  • All of the adults in our school are caring. They really listen to us and our ideas to make our school even better.

  • We are a Catholic school and this is very important to us. We spend time praising God and learning about Jesus every day.

  • We love learning because our teachers make it fun. Our learning is always based on exciting topics and books.

  • Reading is a big part of our curriculum

  • Our outdoor space is as important to us as our indoor space – learning can happen anywhere!

  • We like working together on learning that has a real purpose to it

  • We really enjoy finding ways to help people who are less fortunate than us.

If you would like to find out any more, please contact our school office and arrange to visit us. We are really excellent tour guides!

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    • I learnt more at St Peter's than before it or after it. You couldn't be anywhere better. I am a successful Catholic London solicitor and St Peter's had more of an influence on me than anything else in my life

      St Peter's student 1989-1996 (Solicitor)

    • Being involved in the theatre and dramatic arts gave me confidence and a belief that I could achieve anything

      St Peter's student 1996-1998 (Associate Solicitor)

    • Make the most of all the opportunities provided by St Peter's and strive to be the best you can be in everything

      St Peter's student 1984-1986 (Musician)

    • St Peter's encouraged me to be a creative individual allowing me to follow my ideas and form a career in the performing arts.

      St Peter's student 1998-2003

    • Although times and teaching methods have changed since my time at St Peters, care for each student as a special person, seems to never have changed. Enjoy and value the experience, you are part of a strong caring ethos and educational excellence

      St Peter's student (Theatre Director of Shakespeare, Sondheim and Kander and Ebb)

    • Have courage and curiosity – you will make mistakes but do it in the spirit of improving yourself and the world around you and no one will begrudge it

      St Peter's student 1986-1993(Management Consultant)

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