Scholastic BOOK FAIR
Join us at Primary, Tuesday 4 March – Tuesday 11 March
Join us at Primary, Tuesday 4 March – Tuesday 11 March
Here is our Year 5 Football Team after their league win against Park School on Thursday; the boys were a real credit to both themselves and our school community.
This week at the Primary Phase, our first TT Rockstars trophy was awarded to Cora in Year 4 for her excellent Home Learning.
Henry in Year 1, did an amazing class worship this week, which included creating his own Advent wreath for the prayer table to help celebrate the season of Advent within his class. Henry had carefully lit just one candle on the wreath to represent the ‘hope’ we have for Jesus’ second coming.
The festive season arrived early for 24 Year 6 children, who took part in the annual Bournemouth Schools Music Association Carol Concert at Bournemouth Pavilion on Tuesday 19 November. They had been practising in school since September and performed brilliantly.
Earlier this year, with the help of two of our Teaching Assistants at Primary, we started an after-school Gardening Club. By the end of September we are hoping for a good harvest of potatoes, corn, tomatoes, pumpkins, onions and carrots.
Young musicians from the Primary Phase delighted their audience on Tuesday at our annual Primary Spring Soiree.
The Primary Phase did it! We managed to walk well over 1000km and with your help we have surpassed our fundraising target!
Years 3, 5 and 6 were treated to an afternoon at the opera on Thursday, as part of Opera Magic’s “Live and Inspired” tour.
Last week our Year 4 students went on a Roman trip to Fort Nelson, near Portsmouth.
On Friday our Primary children were ready to raise money for children in need. They raised money by paying a donation to wear their own sports clothes, alongside taking part in a ‘Pudsey Sportacular’ event where the indoor and outdoor gym equipment was in constant use for the whole day.
This week we have been 'Remembering Those We Love'.