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Scholastic BOOK FAIR

Join us at Primary, Tuesday 4 March – Tuesday 11 March

Our Book Fair will be arriving at Primary on Tuesday afternoon, 4 March, and will be there until the following
Tuesday morning, 11 March. We are very excited that it coincides with our World Book Day, and really hope that you are able to support the school by purchasing a book (or two!).

All books you purchase will earn St Peter's rewards for us to spend on additional books. The Fair will be set up in the Art Room and can be accessed from the school playground. To try and avoid too many people attending at any one time, we have allocated times when the Year groups will be running the Fair and would encourage you to try and attend during those sessions, where possible.

You are able to use your £1 ‘World Book Club Day’ voucher against the price of any books on sale at the Book Fair. Vouchers must be presented at the time of purchase.

Date AM (from 8am) PM
Tuesday 4 March   Year 6
Wednesday 5 March RSM RBW
Thursday 6 March 1SC 1RM
Friday 7 March 2HW 2SC
Monday 10 March Year 3 Year 4
Tuesday 11 March Year 5  

No cash payments accepted – Online payments only