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Secondary News

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  • Year 8 Rugby

    Published 24/02/23

    This week the Year 8 boys had a rugby fixture against Winton school. The boys performed fantastically well and played some rugby way beyond their years as well as performing with real commitment and physicality.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 22/02/23

    This year Secondary schools are not receiving paper copies of the World Book Day book token, instead students can scan the QR code above or click here to receive their book token.

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  • U13 Batsman of the year

    Published 20/02/23

    Congratulations to Year 9 student, Fin Penny, who has recently been awarded batsman of the year U13 by Christchurch Cricket Club.

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  • Year 11 Interview Day

    Published 20/02/23

    Earlier this month Year 11 students experienced the challenge of effectively promoting themselves in an interview situation.

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  • Chefs whites and caps

    Published 10/02/23

    We'd like to say a huge thank you to Rachel Pitman and David Bailey of BAHA (Bournemouth Area Hospitality Association).  

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  • Year 9 Rugby

    Published 09/02/23

    The Year 9 rugby boys took part in the county 12 a side competition this week.

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  • New Year 7/8 football kit

    Published 09/02/23

    Thank you to Arnold Clark for our great new Year 7/8 football kit!

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  • Year 7 Rugby Team

    Published 09/02/23

    Tuesday saw the Year 7 boys rugby team fulfil their first fixture. The boys have worked really hard and produced some of the best rugby I have seen from a Year 7 boys team for quite some time.

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  • Year 8 – Making career choices

    Published 03/02/23

    Year 8 were treated to an exuberant performance by ENACT Theatre Company, highlighting the importance of making the right careers choices.

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  • Prize winners visit to RNLI

    Published 03/02/23

    Our team of five Year 9 students spent a morning in the engineering departments at RNLI Poole as an exclusive prize for winning last year’s “RNLI 2050” challenge.

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  • Special Correspondence

    Published 23/01/23

    Year 7 student, James, got a very special letter recently.

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  • Author – Henry T G Pearson

    Published 16/01/23

    It was a real pleasure to welcome back former Head Boy Henry T G Pearson, who has recently had his first novel published.

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