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Flu immunisation – Year 7-11 only

We are pleased to confirm that the flu vaccination will be offered in school this Autumn, on Tuesday 5 December, to help protect children against the flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. Vaccinating children will also protect more vulnerable friends and family by preventing the spread of flu. With COVID-19 in circulation it is important to reduce the number of those becoming ill with flu this winter to help protect them and the NHS.

The deadline for completing the online consent form is Thursday 30 November. If the form is submitted past this deadline, your child will not be able to be immunised at school, and you will need to make a clinic appointment in a community venue instead.
The online consent form is provided on behalf of Dorset HealthCare by InHealthCare. You can complete the online consent form here. You will also need the unique session code: 5hxazc. InHealthCare will send a verification code to your email address. You will need to enter this code to access the final part of the form in order to complete the enrolment process.
If you have any problems completing the online consent form, please check the website: and complete the ‘Contact Us’ form. For any other queries regarding your child’s vaccination, please e-mail or phone 01425 891162.
Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik