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Sixth Form News

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  • Lunchtime talent show

    Published 14/10/22

    What a magnificent start to our Partnership Week! A lunchtime talent show hosted by Mrs Stanisstreet and Mr Ridley in the theatre, raising funds for our partner school in South Africa. Our goal is to raise £2500, so we can continue to put another teacher in place at Shea O'Connor School.

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  • Grab a FREE bowl of porridge

    Published 06/10/22

    Starting Monday 10 October, Caterlink, our caterers are inviting all Secondary and Sixth Form students to grab a free bowl of porridge plus a free topping. Visit the canteen before school for your winter warmer!

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  • Year 12 BTEC Sport & A Level PE

    Published 19/07/22

    Our Year 12 BTEC Sport and A Level PE students enjoyed the hottest day of the year with a trip to the New Forest Waterpark and AFCB. Great to learn about business, psychology and elite sport. A brilliant bunch to spend the day with – so many laughs at the waterpark too!

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  • English Schools' Athletic Association Championships

    Published 07/07/22

    Congratulations and Good Luck to Abi, in Year 12, who has been selected to represent Dorset at the National Schools' Championships to be held in Manchester this Friday and Saturday (8/9 July).

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  • Celebrating our sports students

    Published 24/06/22
    A great afternoon with our Year 13 A level PE and BTEC Sport students to celebrate the end of their courses. Some great rounders on show from our Lockdown legends!
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  • Sixth Form Welcome Morning

    Published 16/06/22

    Taking place on Monday 27 June, a change to the original date of 20 June

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  • Growing Stewards Gardening Club

    Published 28/04/22

    Big shout out to the four Year 13 students who volunteered during Easter holiday, giving up their time to assist the Growing Stewards Gardening Club.

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  • Sports Leaders clean up

    Published 25/04/22

    Before Easter, Year 13 Level 3 Sports Leaders' took part in a beach and area clean, afterwards they deservedly enjoyed a hot chocolate kindly provided by the Hungry Hiker Café.

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  • UCAS convention visit

    Published 06/04/22

    A great morning at the UCAS convention with Year 12. Lots of brilliant ‘next steps’ conversations happening, and it’s clear we have a very ambitious group of young people here!

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  • Magazine delivery

    Published 18/02/22

    The Library have taken delivery of the February Hodder Review A level magazines along with a selection of other popular regular monthly titles

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  • Sixth Form Open Evening

    Published 04/10/21

    Thursday 7 October, 5.30-8.30pm

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  • Congratulations to our students

    Published 10/08/21

    We are delighted to report some outstanding achievements by our students in their A Levels and vocational qualifications this summer

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